Bike Fit

January 30, 2010

At the end of last year (2009) — in fact, on the very last day of the year — I went to Fitwerx(2) for a bike fit. I had been having issues with my current setup at the time and, after tinkering for months without ever getting it right, I finally decided to go to the professionals. Fitwerx, the area’s premier bike fitter, is where I went.

Below is a quick visual of the differences…

Bike Fit Pre-Dec. 31, 2009: video (done by me)

Bike Fit Jan. 4, 2010: video (done by Fitwerx)

And here’s a bike I’m toying with right now and will purchase from a trusted friend if I can dial in the fit (still having issues). If I can do that, and if I like the ride once I log a few miles on it on the Trainer, it will be a keeper.

Kuota K-Factor: video (fit based on new bike fit… close as of now, but still not there)


o New saddle – I went with a new saddle since the old one never worked for me even though I kept riding it. Too much pressure on the undercarriage.

o Seat Up – We raised the seat a smidge, which I was happy about since I tend to favor a taller seat height. I seem to be able to generate more power that way.

o Saddle Forward – We jammed my saddle forward since, mainly, I used to ride the rivet, like, all the time. I have a tendency of scootching forward farther and farther to the point where I’m riding with my ass at the very tip of the saddle, a position that is commonly referred to as riding the rivet.

o Drop Aerobar Assembly – The areobar assembly was dropped to give me an extremely aggressive aero style with a drop of 14 cm from top of saddle to aero pads.

o Shift Arm Pads – Arm pads had to shift forward some to allow me a ninety degree angle in the upper arm coming straight down to the pads so that I can use my skeletal system to support my body over using muscles.

o Aerobar Extensions Shortened – The aerobar extentions had to be shortened drastically so that the gear shifters would fall at my hands.

So far so good with the fit. It seems like a keeper. I’ll have more on this as the days tick by.